Category: fado (en)
where to listen to fado
“Fado ao Carmo” is my answer when asked to recommend where to listen to fado. The Fado Houses are, par excellence, the ideal place to listen to fado singing while having dinner or just having a drink in the late hours. It’s no ordinary restaurant. During the fado singer’s performance, the lights are dimmed,…
What is fado
Do you know what is Fado? Fado is a traditional musical expression of Portugal, identified by the very first notes of the Portuguese guitar. Fado is a word of Latin origin meaning destiny. Its origin is distant but it became better known from mid XIX century. Sailors used to sing it when they were away from home, leaving…
Fado – my selection
In this section “Fado – my selection” I tried to give references from current and past artists, female and male voices, “naive” themes and poetically elaborated themes. In a universe of hundreds of artists and thousands of songs, any choice is always debatable, but the aim is to give a first approach. In this artistic…